Stephen O'Neil

Full Stack Web Application Developer

9+ years frontend | 6+ years backend & DevSecOps |

  • A lead developer & senior technical advisor, modernizing Canada's public health data platforms & infrastructure
  • Previously lead developer on GC InfoBase (,, a React SPA client backed by a serverless GraphQL API

Curriculum Vitae

Lead Developer & Senior Technical Advisor (acting) | 06/2023 - ongoing
Data, Surveillance and Foresight Branch, Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Contributed logging utilities to the branch's internal Django library, enabling standardized, enriched, and security policy compliant logs in both Google Cloud & Azure environments
  • Lead infrastructure and security architecture design and implementation for the branch's first Kubernetes-based Django application deployment
    • Coordinated with project managers, application developers, and IT security to collect and track business and technical requirements, designing a corresponding architecture
    • Achieved a production-ready deployment and provided lessons-learned for future kubernetes use within the organization

Lead Developer & Technical Advisor | 01/2023 - 06/2023
Science and Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch, Public Services and Procurement Canada

  • Advised on technical aspects of a branch-wide data policy refresh
  • Triaged an inherited portfolio of ~20 projects in various stages from prototype to pilot
    • Identified 10+ retired or stalled projects to decommission, directly reducing cloud bills, maintenance burden, and potential risks & attack surface
    • Matured the remaining applications and infrastructure by eliminating manual deploy steps, implementing automated rollback capabilities, hardening configurations, etc.

Lead Developer | 09/2017 - 12/2022
Expenditure Management Sector, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

  • Lead the GC InfoBase project beginning in Summer 2018; held responsibility for the project's technical direction, overall design, and for the team's developer talent

    • Iterated on and maintained the project's large React frontend

    • Built backend microservices to support the main application

      • E.g. built a versatile template based form service, used to collect, validate, store, and alert the team across multiple lines of in-app user feedback
    • Architected and administered infrastructure and operations for the project

      • E.g. transitioned hosting from tenancy in an external team's servers to cloud platforms & an in-house DevOps culture, taking deploy times from days to minutes
    • Developed tooling to multiply team productivity and reinforce best practices

      • E.g. implemented automated end-to-end WCAG 2.1 accessibility testing for CI
    • Championed code standards, review practices, testing, CI/CD, and working in the open

      • E.g. sold stakeholders on open sourcing the project; was awarded in recognition of the direct positive impacts one year later
    • Hired, supervised, and mentored junior developers and CO-OP students

  • Built the data collection tool used for the centralized tracking of COVID-19 related expenditures across all government departments

    • Quickly learnt Python, Django, an existing internal platform's code & environment, and the business requirements; met the ambitious 3 month deadline provided for launch
    • Contributed lasting improvements to the existing platform's testing practices

CO-OP Student & part-time developer | 01/2015 - 09/2017
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

  • Self-taught JS, HTML, CSS, and Git; developed the early HR data portions of GC InfoBase


  • TypeScript & JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS & Sass
  • Python
  • SQL
  • sh / Bash / POSIX shells

Libraries & Frameworks

  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Lodash
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Axe-core
  • Webpack
  • NextJS
  • Django
  • OpenTelemetry

Tools & Software

  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Kustomize
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Google Cloud Platform
  • DigitalOcean
  • CircleCI
  • GitHub Actions

Other Skills & Competencies

  • Architecture
  • Automation
  • Application security
  • Accessibility
  • Mentorship
  • Strategic leadership


Google Cloud Certified -
Professional Cloud Architect (


Honours B.Sc. Physics-Mathematics, uOttawa
2017, Cum Laude

Stephen O'Neil

Full Stack Web Application Developer

9+ years frontend | 6+ years backend & DevSecOps |

  • A lead developer & senior technical advisor, modernizing Canada's public health data platforms & infrastructure
  • Previously lead developer on GC InfoBase (,, a React SPA client backed by a serverless GraphQL API


Google Cloud Certified -
Professional Cloud Architect (


  • TypeScript & JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS & Sass
  • Python
  • SQL
  • sh / Bash / POSIX shells

Libraries & Frameworks

  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Lodash
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Axe-core
  • Webpack
  • NextJS
  • Django
  • OpenTelemetry

Tools & Software

  • Git
  • VSCode
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Kustomize
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • Google Cloud Platform
  • DigitalOcean
  • CircleCI
  • GitHub Actions

Other Skills & Competencies

  • Architecture
  • Automation
  • Application security
  • Accessibility
  • Mentorship
  • Strategic leadership


Honours B.Sc. Physics-Mathematics, uOttawa
2017, Cum Laude

Curriculum Vitae

Lead Developer & Senior Technical Advisor (acting) | 06/2023 - ongoing
Data, Surveillance and Foresight Branch, Public Health Agency of Canada

  • Contributed logging utilities to the branch's internal Django library, enabling standardized, enriched, and security policy compliant logs in both Google Cloud & Azure environments
  • Lead infrastructure and security architecture design and implementation for the branch's first Kubernetes-based Django application deployment
    • Coordinated with project managers, application developers, and IT security to collect and track business and technical requirements, designing a corresponding architecture
    • Achieved a production-ready deployment and provided lessons-learned for future kubernetes use within the organization

Lead Developer & Technical Advisor | 01/2023 - 06/2023
Science and Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch, Public Services and Procurement Canada

  • Advised on technical aspects of a branch-wide data policy refresh
  • Triaged an inherited portfolio of ~20 projects in various stages from prototype to pilot
    • Identified 10+ retired or stalled projects to decommission, directly reducing cloud bills, maintenance burden, and potential risks & attack surface
    • Matured the remaining applications and infrastructure by eliminating manual deploy steps, implementing automated rollback capabilities, hardening configurations, etc.

Lead Developer | 09/2017 - 12/2022
Expenditure Management Sector, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

  • Lead the GC InfoBase project beginning in Summer 2018; held responsibility for the project's technical direction, overall design, and for the team's developer talent

    • Iterated on and maintained the project's large React frontend

    • Built backend microservices to support the main application

      • E.g. built a versatile template based form service, used to collect, validate, store, and alert the team across multiple lines of in-app user feedback
    • Architected and administered infrastructure and operations for the project

      • E.g. transitioned hosting from tenancy in an external team's servers to cloud platforms & an in-house DevOps culture, taking deploy times from days to minutes
    • Developed tooling to multiply team productivity and reinforce best practices

      • E.g. implemented automated end-to-end WCAG 2.1 accessibility testing for CI
    • Championed code standards, review practices, testing, CI/CD, and working in the open

      • E.g. sold stakeholders on open sourcing the project; was awarded in recognition of the direct positive impacts one year later
    • Hired, supervised, and mentored junior developers and CO-OP students

  • Built the data collection tool used for the centralized tracking of COVID-19 related expenditures across all government departments

    • Quickly learnt Python, Django, an existing internal platform's code & environment, and the business requirements; met the ambitious 3 month deadline provided for launch
    • Contributed lasting improvements to the existing platform's testing practices

CO-OP Student & part-time developer | 01/2015 - 09/2017
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

  • Self-taught JS, HTML, CSS, and Git; developed the early HR data portions of GC InfoBase